Past Performances
Featured Projects
Design-Build PEO Yards & Docks/PMO 555 Space Renovation, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.
CNE recently completed the design/build of new office spaces to convert an existing space for the new SIOP program. In addition, CNE provided space planning and FF&E to outfit the space for immediate occupancy by the new program personnel, including a flag officer.

DIA Renovate 1E157, Pentagon, Washington, D.C.
CNE is currently performing the design/build to convert an existing space to new SCIF offices in The Pentagon. Work requires retrofitting existing walls and to meet SCIF requirements and build-out of offices and conference rooms. Work includes interior demo, MEP rough-ins and all new finishes, new lighting and HVAC.
BSL Recommissioning/Damper Replacement/ Retro Commission AHU’s 6-10, FDA Bldgs. 52 & 72, White Oak Campus, Silver Spring, MD.
CNE provides the annual recertification of the FDA’s BSL-3 laboratories during a small window annually when the BSL-3 labs are shutdown for maintenance. In addition, CNE is replacing a special bubble-tight damper for one of the BSL-3 suites. A third component of the contract is to provide the retro-commissioning of the water side of several air handlers servicing laboratory spaces throughout the facility.

Building 4 South Lab Renovation, Bethesda, MD
CNE is currently providing the complete renovation of a 1,400 SF BSL-2 lab and ancillary office space in one of NIH’s critical research facilities in Bethesda, MD. Work requires complete demo and decontamination, new MEP rough-ins, casework and finishes. Due to ongoing research activities during construction in adjacent areas, close coordination and collaboration with multiple stakeholders is essential.
Fergus Falls Historic Courtroom & Chamber Restoration, Fergus Falls, MN
CNE’s team of historic renovation specialists recently finished furnishing all labor, equipment, tools, materials, and supervision necessary to fully restore the historic courtroom, judge’s chamber and corridors throughout the building at the Edward J. Devitt U.S. Courthouse & Federal Building in Fergus Falls, MN. Work required complete restoration of the floors, plaster walls and ceilings, judge’s bench, gallery seating, jury seating and construction of new furniture to maintain the original historic look. Existing plaster chandeliers were repaired and retrofitted with LED lighting. New hallway pendants were fabricated to match the look of the original gas pendant lights.

GSA Repair, Alterations, & Construction Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contracts
CNE recently started Option Year 3 for GSA IDIQ #47PF0019D0063 for Construction, Repair and Alterations in Minnesota (MN) and Wisconsin (WI). Since 2008, CNE has successfully performed construction and renovation projects for five GSA Repair, Alterations, & Construction Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contracts, for various locations throughout Illinois, Indiana, Chicagoland, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.
Stormwater Structure at Browning Elementary School at Westlawn Gardens – Bid Package 4 Milwaukee, WI
CNE performed as prime contractor on a contract with the Housing Authority City of Milwaukee (HACM) to provide a new 1.2M gallon underground storm water trap system to manage storm water for an urban area of 75 acres of a residential and school storm water control area, which required excavation, grading, installation of StormTrap structure, site restoration, and construction of an asphaltic athletic field. CNE performed the work with a very tight schedule and completed the project in two months, which was two weeks ahead of schedule.

Demolition and Hazardous Materials Removal of Former Vilter Manufacturing Plant Milwaukee, WI
CNE completed the demolition of five (up to six-stories) factory complex buildings (Office Buildings, Warehouse, Powerplant) at the former Vilter Manufacturing facility. Asbestos, hazardous materials, universal wastes, roof-mounted air handling units, PCB-impacted soils, petroleum compound impacted soils, and all underground storage tanks were properly removed and disposed of. Some buildings were in very close proximity to city streets. Security fence was placed, and sidewalk and street closures protected the public way. Individual building areas were backfilled, compacted, and restored. 100+ year old wood was carefully removed and preserved.
Historic Farmhouse Renovation Into Ice Age Trail (IATR) Visitor Center, Cross Plains, WI
Contract #140P6419C0008 was a multi-discipline federal project for the DOI NPS, involving construction, repair, & alteration of a facility. CNE (Contracted to Dakota Intertek Corp. and CNE acquired Dakota 9/2020 & is 100% owner of Dakota) performed necessary interior and exterior renovations/repairs to an historical 1800s farmhouse structure for full utilization as a visitor contact station and office space for Ice Age Trail Staff. Work elements included: HVAC system replacement/installation, Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing (MEP), Fire Alarm (FA) and Fire Sprinklers (FS), interior demolition, new ceilings, lighting, hardware, finishes, plaster, and painting caulking around interior side of doors and windows on exterior walls. Additional elements included: carpet, flooring, millwork, walls, doors, potable water system installation, roof replacement, repairing/repointing leaking stone chimneys (concrete masonry), removal and replacement of sunken floor slab with structural slab, and architectural and electrical modifications to provide functional requirements of a Visitor Contact Station and Offices.

Demolition & Hazardous Materials Abatement of Former Dairyland Greyhound Track Kenosha, WI
As the prime contractor, Dakota (CNE) provided project management, supervision, and coordination of subcontractors for the full demolition and removal of hazardous universal waste and asbestos of the former Dairyland Greyhound Dog Track, in Kenosha, WI. Dakota self-performed a large portion of work providing labor, materials, equipment and supervision to perform the demolition activities. The overall scope of work included removal of the grandstand, racetrack, 24 smaller kennel buildings, scoreboard, and auxiliary structures. Specific tasks included rough grading; coordination of site utility disconnects, dust control measures and installation and maintenance of erosion control measures throughout the project. Dakota developed and maintained the site stormwater protection plan (SWPPP). Dakota installed security cameras for site protection. Demolition work included: removal of concrete slabs, pads, and footings; significant concrete crushing operations requiring sorting and moving demolished concrete, and loading the crusher; placement and compaction of backfill of subsurface structures and areas of the greyhound racetrack to create uniform, level grades; capping and removal of site utilities including storm sewer and water; removal of concrete sidewalks and miscellaneous site elements; finish grading and site restoration with straw and seed; Dakota maintained a clean site and provided site maintenance services such as snow removal; sorting and segregation of materials for recycling and proper disposal; and universal waste removal.
Hazardous Materials Removal, Buildings Demolition, and Site Clearance (Phases 1, 2, & 3) at Westlawn Gardens, Milwaukee, WI
Dakota (CNE) was selected by Housing Authority City of Milwaukee (HACM) for three separate phases of a project to provide demolition and asbestos/hazardous materials abatement of multi-family, 2-story residential apartment buildings (13 bldgs for Phase 1, 12 bldgs for Phase 2, and 31 bldgs for Phase 3). This included full below-grade basements, foundations, utilities removal, site grading and restoration, and stormwater retention pond construction. Dakota developed and installed an active drainage system in each foundation cavity to protect the existing sub-grade for upcoming new construction. The work also included abatement of asbestos and other hazardous materials, including all windows, which were properly removed and abated. Security fencing and erosion control measures were installed to surround the limits of disturbance. As the prime contractor, Dakota provided project management, supervision, and coordination of subcontractors. Dakota also self-performed the demolition of the buildings; installation of dust and erosion controls; including maintenance throughout duration of project; site clearing and grubbing; backfill and grading; concrete sidewalk and parking lot removal; sorting and segregation of materials for recycling and proper disposal; loadout of materials; and site restoration and straw/seeding.

Demolition of Barley Malt Research Facility (BMRF) Facility, Madison, WI
Built in 1949, the building was a defunct 9,705 square foot USDA research facility. Dakota’s contract also included a 4-bay, 800 square foot detached garage. Dakota provided the complete demolition and removal of existing site, site surface elements, utilities (above and below grade), hardscape and landscape, hazardous materials abatement, and proper disposal/salvage/recycling of waste. Site restoration included backfill and grading, topsoil, grass seed, fertilizer, and installation of erosion mats.